I’m trying to use boost::ptr_vector with constant
members, like
// Excerpt 1
boost::ptr_vector<const int> myVector;
myVector.push_back(new int(5)); //This
line fails, see comment below
myVector[1] = 7; //This
should fail, can’t assign to const
I can do the following with boost::shared_ptr, which is the
effect I’m trying to achieve with the above
// Except 2
boost::shared_ptr<const int> intPtr(new int(5));
intPtr* = 7; //This
won’t compile, can’t assign to const
Returning to excerpt 1, the second line fails, and I don’t
know why. It causes an error deep within the bowels of the boost. I’ve
tried many permutations placing const in different places, with no luck.
Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated!
Josh Quigley.