I update boost in a project from 1.33 to 1.39.
In elier boost.graph adjacency_list had last template parameter 'Allocator'. Now this parameter is abcent. The question is how was it used?

In my example there is a Graph type:
typedef boost::adjacency_list<list_pooledS, list_pooledS, boost::directedS, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, boost::no_property, list_pooledS, boost::get_mat_fast_pool_alloc<char>::allocator> Graph;

as i can see allocator is defined in `list_pooledS`.

Will it be enough to define such type (without last parameter)?
typedef boost::adjacency_list<list_pooledS, list_pooledS, boost::directedS, NodeInfo, EdgeInfo, boost::no_property, list_pooledS> Graph;

Regards, Andrey