Hey All,
This was just announced this week at CppCon (originally proposed
at C++Now, by Robert Ramey). There's a new program and process to
allow teams, who may be maintaining boost libraries internally, to
become official maintainers. These are libraries that are currently
being maintained by the Boost Community Maintenance Team
(https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/CommunityMaintenance) :
- Boost.ConceptCheck
- Boost.DateTime
- Boost.DisjointSet
- Boost.DynamicBitset
- Boost.Format
- Boost.Function
- Boost.Logic
- Boost.MPL
- Boost.PropertyMap
- Boost.Signals (which is deprecated)
- Boost.Tokenizer
More information about the program can be found here:
If you're interested in becoming a Boost Library Official Maintiner,
please send me an email.