On Sep 16, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Martin Hünniger wrote:
I have a similar problem here. I try to send data from one process to another (mpirun -np 2). The dataI use is serialized in the appropriate way. If I send it to a text archive I can it restore again from this text archive and all is ok. But when I try to send the data between the processes something goes wrong and the data is not restored correctly.
I have the following serialization routine:
template<typename Float> template<class Archive> void Ball<Float>::serialize( Archive &ar, const unsigned int version ) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP( members ) // std::vector<int> members // and so on...
// Testing: for( int i=0; i
the output on sending such an object is (for example) 0 1 3 2
the output on receiving the same object is 0 0 0 0
So there seems to be something wrong during storing the data in ar or during the restoration process.
Did someone in this thread come already to a solution to this problem?
Cheers, Martin
I'll take a look this weekend. I assume the "// and so on.." does not do any further serialization? Matthias