Michael Powell
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Bjorn Reese
wrote: On 12/14/2013 03:49 PM, Alexander Lamaison wrote:
I'm trying to create something like a `boost::function`, but with an extra 'smart handle' tucked inside, which controls the lifetime of a resource the functions needs to execute correctly.
The two aspects (resource life-time and generic signatures) should probably be handled separately.
Regarding resource life-time, a common pattern is to bind to a member function on an object obtained via shared_from_this(). Here is an example from Boost.Asio:
I tend to agree with this application of the pattern: dependency-injection and/or inversion-of-control, or in this case, method-injection.
Trust me, from industry best practice, as well as experience, you'll be glad you did, because you can keep the concerns a) loosely coupled, and b) more concise, single-responsibility, closer to the problem they are actually trying to solve.
I'm probably being dense, but I don't see how this applies to what I'm trying to do. My 'smart handle' is just a `shared_ptr` controlling the loading/unloading of a DLL from which I load a function by name. I want to expose that function as a callable object, and the library needs to remain loaded as long as anyone might call it. Alex -- Swish - Easy SFTP for Windows Explorer (http://www.swish-sftp.org)