On 2008-12-25, Roger House
I've just purchased The Boost Graph Library book and downloaded the CD from the publisher's website onto my Ubuntu system.
I was a bit surprised to discover that the CD does not seem to contain a complete example program which I can compile and run to see that I'm able to access the boost header files and libraries on my system. There is a pdf version of the book, but as far as I can see, there is no example of a complete, simple "hello, graph" program in the book or on the CD. Could someone please point me to such a program.
you can use as an example hello world program an example from the bgl online documentation: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/graph/doc/table_of_contents.html For example http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/graph/example/file_dependencies.cp... Fyi, in the Ubuntu repository boost is packaged into a set of packages - you can list them via: $ apt-cache search libboost To check if bgl is allready installed you can type $ dpkg -l libboost-graph-dev Best regards Georg Sauthoff