6 Jan
6 Jan
4:41 p.m.
AMDG On 1/6/2011 2:51 AM, Christian Meesters wrote:
Having the following code (where 'out' is a std::ostream):
out<< boost::tuples::set_open('[') << boost::tuples::set_close(']') << boost::tuples::set_delimiter(',') << std::setw(21)<< std::right<< get_some_tuple();
I expected to see the tuple in a column of 21 spaces, adjusted to the right. Instead, the tuple is appended on 21 spaces. Any hint on what my mistake is?
You didn't make a mistake. This is a very common error in implementing stream operators. Please file a ticket at http://svn.boost.org/, and I'll fix it as soon as I can. In Christ, Steven Watanabe