Hello there, once every year or so I have to rebuilt boost for the current compiler/settings combination I work with. This time it's the following: Visual Studio 2015 32 and 64bit static linking statically linked runtime I built boost from within the VS2015 developer console using this command line: c:\projects\boost_1_59_0>.\b2 variant=debug,release link=static runtime-link=static address-model=32 --stagedir=stage32 -sICU_PATH=C:\projects\icu Works great. Except that Boost.Locale does not respect the "runtime-link=static" and builds for dynamically linked runtime instead. The build log looks like this: ...patience... ...found 19297 targets... ...updating 76 targets... common.mkdir stage32 common.mkdir stage32\lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_atomic-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_system-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_chrono-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_container-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_thread-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_context-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_coroutine-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_date_time-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_exception-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_filesystem-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_regex-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_graph-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_iostreams-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_system-vc140-mt-gd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_chrono-vc140-mt-gd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_thread-vc140-mt-gd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_locale-vc140-mt-gd-1_59.lib common.copy stage32\lib\libboost_log-vc140-mt-sgd-1_59.lib Shortened. Please note the build process working correctly up until iostreams - all libraries have a 's' in the filename, denoting the statically linked runtime. Then comes Boost.Locale. And Boost.Locale does not respect the static runtime linking and instead builds for DLL runtime. The build process therefore builds all dependencies (system, chrono, thread) again with dynamic runtime linking and then builds Boost.Locale. When I'm trying to use this setup in my game, the boost auto-linking mechanism correctly determines that Boost.Locale is required, but requires the static runtime linked version, which obviously doesn't exist. So this is a bug in the build files? Is there a simple quickfix I can apply to my local installation to be able to carry on? Should I open an issue in Trac? Thanks for your time. Bye, Thomas