Dear Pete Bartlett,
Sorry I am late to thank you. Your reply was helpful
and I could solve the problem using John Madock's Math
toolkit which seamlessly integrates with an older
version of Boost.
Thank you again.
Best regards,
--- Pete Bartlett
Hi All,
I have to use isinf in an application. The application was originally written using gcc (under linux) which supports isinf. I want to port it to Windows and VC++ doesn't seem to support it. I googled around and I think the "omnipotent" Boost has something to help with this. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the details of how to make use of it. I would be grateful if someone can help me?
Thank you in advance!
Try either John Maddock's Math Toolkit library or Johan Rade's floating point utilities library. Both available from:
I believe the Math Toolkit will be in Boost 1.35 but recall finding both libraries easy to lay over the top of 1.34. In John's library you need
Math_toolkit_headers.zip / boost / math / special_functions / fpclassify.hpp / bool template<typename T> isinf(T t);
I believe Johan's implementation is even more portable and robust than John's, but perhaps less far through the review process:
Floating_point_utilities_v3.zip / boost / math / fpclassify.hpp / bool template<typename T> isinf(T t);
Hth, Pete
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