On Fri, 25 Jun 2010, W.P. McNeill wrote:
I'll look into implementing all the non-mutable graph concepts. That shouldn't be difficult. Are the following concept are consistent with each other? * Graph * IncidenceGraph * BidirectionalGraph * AdjacencyGraph * VertexListGraph * EdgeListGraph * PropertyGraph What should I specify for the traversal_category if I model all of them with a single object?
I believe they are all consistent. Your traversal category should inherit
virtually from all of the tags for the concepts that your graph provides.
See the part in
I think also having a vertex property map is a good idea. Maybe I'll make that a mutable color map, so there's an example of a writable property map. Should I use associative_property_map as a base class? (That's what's done in "The Boost Graph Library" section 15.3.2.)
I would use iterator_property_map (on a vector) with the vertex_index map that you have/are going to put in.
I'll add Dijkstra's algorithm to the main() function.
Have you looked at the source since commit f500721913f6728fc85d "Complete Edge Weight Map Parameterization"? With that checkin I tried to render all type definitions in terms of graph_traits<> and property_traits<>.
Part of me says that it might be better to put your code in a namespace and then use the actual (internal) names of edge_descriptor, etc. to make the code shorter. You can also, once you have a namespace, just make typedefs for "edge_descriptor" and such directly within the namespace so you can refer to them unqualified. It's up to you whether you want to change that.
I'll look at iterator_facade.
I'll combine implicit.cpp and implicit.hpp into just implicit.hpp. All the valid expression functions should be inline anyway. I think having a separate main.cpp makes things more readable.
It looks like you have done these in the latest checkin. I would recommend having your source(), target(), etc. functions take the graph by const reference; although it doesn't matter to your code since your graph type is small, I think it would be a better model for other users (with larger graph types) that you not copy graphs around unnecessarily. -- Jeremiah Willcock