Hi, I am wanting to serialize some C++ data structures into a binary stream, and I'm wanting to send that binary stream to an embedded python interpreter, where it can unpack the data and make use of it. So, this doesn't seem like a typical use of the serialization library, but I was wondering if it can still work. My problem is that it appears (from what I can tell) that there are various administrative bits inserted by the serialization library into the binary stream, meant for the "unserializer" to make use of in some way (e.g. a header, version information, etc.) Of course, this would mess up things for my python reader. I'd like to, as efficiently as possible, serialize, say, a 3d vector into a binary stream of 3 floats, and then send the raw binary data as an argument to a python function, and have the python function unpack this into 3 floats. This just a simple example though, but as long as the sender (C++) and the receiver (Python) both know the format, I could send arbitrary information this way, as long as there's no other bookkeeping data in the stream. Is there any way to gain access to the raw binary data, after I've filled things with my binary_oarchive, so I can send it to my python function? Or is this just not really a good use of serialization? Thanks!