On 06/29/2011 09:32 AM, David McCallum wrote:
Oops, that should have been:
void DClient::resolveHandler(int param) { .... }
functionPtr; int tempInt = 12; functionPtr = boost::bind(&DClient::resolveHandler, this, tempInt); functionPtr(67);
The final line will call resolveHandler with a parameter of 12, rather than 67? Surely that can't be right? _______________________________________________
It is absolutely correct. You have bound a value to the first argument. If you want to bind a 'placeholder' based on when the bound functor is called then you use a placeholder: functionPtr = boost::bind(&DClient::resolveHandler, this, _1); functionPtr(67); This would call DClient::resolveHandler with 67. In the Asio slides I previously linked to I have about 3-4 example slides that provide various bind constructs to help show how bind works. When you bind a method you are providing all the arguments that will be used at call time. Some of those arguments might be values or references and others might actually be placeholders to be determined at call time. For example: functionPtr = boost::bind(&DClient::resolveHandler, this, _2); functionPtr(67,42,"hi mom"); would result in resolveHandler getting called with 42 because the placeholder _2 says to use the second parameter at the call location. Bind is a powerful concept. Take some time to look at the bind docs. hth - michael -- Michael Caisse Object Modeling Designs www.objectmodelingdesigns.com