----- Original Message -----
When compiling with gcc:
g++ -o test -lboost_locale test.cpp
It run correctly - it prints "שלום" to standard output.
However, when compiling with clang:
clang++ -o test -lboost_locale test.cpp
It produces, as far as I can tell, gibberish - it prints "ש××" to standard output. The hex values of the output are:
0xc3 0x97 0xc2 0xa9 0xc3 0x97 0xc2 0x9c 0xc3 0x97 0xc2 0x95 0xc3 0x97 0xc2 0x9d
It is clang... It does not handle string literal's character set correctly. If you encode the wide string as L"\u0539\u05dc\u05d5\u05dd" the sample should work. So if your software does not embed inline unicode literals there should be no problem. Artyom Beilis -------------- CppCMS - C++ Web Framework: http://cppcms.com/ CppDB - C++ SQL Connectivity: http://cppcms.com/sql/cppdb/