For your first issue, this is supposed to be fixed in the next release: For the second, I am not sure but the meaning of size_t(-1) may be different from size_t(0). -1 means max value. F. Bron ___________________________________ Frédéric Bron ( Unité ALT, Alcan CRV, BP 27, 38341 Voreppe téléphone : +33 4 76 57 81 72 télécopie : +33 4 76 57 80 99 a écrit sur 09/12/2007 16:34:59 :
I am using boost v1.34.1 and the "current" version of mingw. I got a problem (and solution) with the filesystem library: If the file convenience.hpp is included multiple times, mingw/gcc says:
In function `ZN5boost10filesystem9extensionERKNS0_10basic_pathISsNS0_11path_traitsEEE': C: /Daten/Programme/Dev/boost_1_34_1/include/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp:58: multiple definition of `boost::filesystem::extension(boost::filesystem::basic_path const&)' obj\Debug\Source\global.o:C: /Daten/Programme/Dev/boost_1_34_1/include/boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp:58: first defined here
I can solve that (at least for me), if line 31 in convenience.hpp # define BOOST_FS_FUNC_STRING std::string
is changed to # define BOOST_FS_FUNC_STRING inline std::string
Another change I did to avoid an anoying warning is in line 45
boost::throw_exception( basic_filesystem_error<Path>( "boost::filesystem::create_directories", ph, -1 ) );
I changed the third parameter to 0, since it is unsigned.
Have a nice day, Lennart
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