Francois Mauger
As a programmer under Unix-like systems, I really appreciate when a library (say `mylib') provides some `mylib-config' script that helps its users to build compiler flags. Several industrial strength libraries have such a tool: GSL, MySQL and, in the field of particle physics software I work: CLHEP, ROOT, CERNLIB...
Nowadays this practice has been superseded by pkg-config, but yes, I agree that these scripts are quite convenient.
Up to now and AFAIK it seems Boost does not provide such script that could be generated at build stage for any system. I wrote my own script for my own usage (and for people who work with me). But at the end, I think it would be better to use an `official' tool.
I think you should post your addition to the dev mailing list. I, for one, would like to see such a script distributed with a standard boost install. -tom