Hi all,
I'm fairly new to C++ and learning as I go, but there is very little info
out there on my particular problem.
I am trying to turn a model I've written in C++ into a python module
using SWIG.
The main problems I'm having are initializing Boost multiarray containers then
getting data into and out of them.
Here is some sample code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
typedef boost::multi_array array_typef;
typedef boost::multi_array array_typei;
class G2G_hydro_model {
array_typei A;
array_typef S;
G2G_hydro_model(int A_ncols,int A_nrows,int S_ncols,int S_nrows):,
A(boost::extents[A_ncols][A_nrows]), S(boost::extents[S_ncols][S_nrows])
void read_floating(int x, int y, array_typef& data, double& element);
void write_floating(int x, int y, array_typef& data, double& element);
void write_integer(int x, int y, array_typei& data, int& element);
void functions_to_do_stuff(array_typef&,array_typei&)
void G2G_hydro_model::read_floating(int x, int y, array_typef data,
double element)
{element = data[x][y];}
void G2G_hydro_model::write_floating(int x, int y, double element,
array_typef data)
{data[x][y] = element;}
void G2G_hydro_model::write_integer(int x, int y, int element,
array_typei data)
{data[x][y] = element;}
Code is pushed through SWIG to create bindings, then compiled as a
linked library.
Compiles ok with no warnings and Python accepts the module.
But when I try to use with Python code like this:
import sys
import numpy as np
import G2G
h = G2G4.G2G_hydro_model(A.cols,A.nrows,S.cols,S.rows)
element = 9
for x in range(0,A.cols)
for y in range(0,A.rows)
h.write_integer(x, y, element, h.A)
Unfortunately I get the following error message:
python: /usr/include/boost/multi_array/multi_array_ref.hpp:481:
boost::multi_array_ref& boost::multi_array_ref::operator=(const
[with ConstMultiArray = boost::multi_array,
T = double, long unsigned int NumDims = 2ul]: Assertion
other.shape()+this->num_dimensions(), this->shape())' failed.
I think I have assigned the array extents incorrectly,
but I'm not sure of the proper way to do this as part of a C++ class.
Any ideas, I'm starting to pull my hair out, I hope there is a simple answer.
Many Thanks
Niall Duncan, Postgraduate Student
Institute for Energy Systems, School of Engineering and Electronics
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.