Thanks, Matthias. IMHO, this is one of the greatest things about boost::units, compile time unit safety. If your dimensions aren't correct then, there's no point in proceeding until they are. Runtimes are another question, though; but, for compile time, I like that about it.
> I am using Boost 1.45 and trying to use Boost Units to map the typesThis is the library doing what it is supposed to do : your equation is dimensionally incorrect...
> of astrodynamic equation variables. I am getting an error with the
> following equation. The error is saying that the lvalue type for
> k2_divded_by_semi_major is wrong.
Look at <boost/units/base_units/us/yard.hpp> for an example defining a new base unit of length with conversion to metric. You can look at the macro details to see how it is implemented.
> The questions I have are:
> Q1: Did I defined my system correctly? (System file is attached - types.hpp)
> Q2: How do I define ratio in the system? For example I have some
> constants that define a conversion (1 earth radii = 6378 km).
typedef derived_dimension<length_base_dimension,1,plane_angle_base_dimension,-1>::type length_over_angle_dimension;
> Q3: How do I define a variable type if its a fraction (e.g. radii / radian )?
typedef unit<length_over_angle_dimension,my_system> length_over_angle;
You are trying to assign a [length]/[plane_angle^2] to a [length] which is clearly dimensionally incorrect. Depending on your perspective, one of the upsides/downsides of Boost.Units is that it requires that you be precise in formulation of equations...
> sgp4::types::radii_t k2_divided_by_semi_major = m_k2 / pow<2> ( semi_major );
> The types of variables are:
> m_k2 sgp4::types::radii_t
> semi_major sgp4::types::radian_t
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