Hi Tony,
Thx for your reply first of all.  
On 1/22/07, Gottlob Frege <gottlobfrege@gmail.com> wrote:

On 1/22/07, Sami <randomaccessiterator@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi All,

    if (Pow == 0) return 1; // to do argue about the value of '0 to the 0'.
    if (Pow == 1) return r;
    return pow<Pow - 1>(r) * r; 


Now, why do you want it - I doubt that it will buy you anything in terms of performance.
The issue is not particularly about performance,  it is about being able to do this at compile time; other than, well, trying out MPL. Your resolution to the problem is quite nice, though that's not what I am asking. My question is about MPL, not "how to do this with C++"... 
There should be a way of doing this using MPL with a single line of code. Or, even compute integer power of integers and get a compile time result. This is useful for many metaprograms and again, not a performance concern. 
Any ideas?