Dear Boost Users,
I've used boost on and off for years for its string parsing. Now I'd
like to use it to replace std::ifstream for file reading. The immediate
requirement is a file > 2^31 bytes. Since my requirement is to replace
ifstream, I was hoping for a fairly simple transition, perhaps even
something I could manage with an emacs global search-and-replace.
I started with kubuntu-feisty's boost 1.33.1. but was unable to execute
the first main in the iostreams tutorial Overview (2.1.1). The
showstopper was the compiler error not defined in scope.
% g++ test.cpp
test.cpp: In functin 'int main()':
test.cpp::9: error: 'file_sink' was not declared in this scope
. . . several more errors.
This is an error without precedent, at least according to google.
Thinking this is a kubuntu-apt-get issue, I downloaded and rebuilt and
installed boost 1_34_1 from scratch. Alas, is still not
Am I doing something obvious wrong? I'm using g++ 4.1.2.
Does anyone have a few lines of code that will
* open a file?
* seekg() to the beginning, end and arbitrary location in the file?
* tellg() the present file pointer location in the file?
* read(address, number of bytes) from the file?
These are the basic STL features I'm trying to replace.
Many thanks for any pointers to useful documentation (but not to, please) or code snippets.
Once I have my "hello world" working, I might start making sense of
templated streams, and why my install can't find
when it is sitting right there in !?!?
Peter Leopold
Peter dot Leopold at BioAnalyte dot com