On 7 Jul 2007, at 15:03, Andras Joo wrote:
Dear All,
I'm facing the following problem. I have the following class hierarchy:
AbstractBase <--- AbstractDerived <---- ConcreteDerived
I managed to make the serialization of AbstractBase using text and binary archives (text_[i/o]archive, binary_[i/o]archive), tested, and works fine.
However when AbstractBase pointers are sent with MPI functions a runtime exception occurs:
/usr/include/boost-1_35/boost/archive/detail/oserializer.hpp:413: static void boost::archive::detail::save_pointer_type
::polymorphic<T>::save(Archive&, const T&, const boost::archive::detail::basic_pointer_oserializer*) [with T = AbstractBase, Archive = boost::mpi::packed_oarchive, TPtr = AbstractBase*]: Assertion `__null != bpos_ptr' failed. I appreciate any help. Thank you, and have a nice weekend.
Can you try whether it works with the current CVS version? Matthias