From: [] On Behalf Of Darren Garvey
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] SVG Graphics - to be supported by IE9 - Boost GSoC project?
On 16 April 2010 12:00, Paul A. Bristow wrote:
Boost.Plot is special in that it is in C++ and it has a Boost license.
I've played around with the version in sandbox and really liked the progress so far. It would make a huge difference to
the utility of the library if it supported other charting capabilities out of the box, IMO. I've been missing a C++
charting library in the last few months.
What is especially missing? I might be able to add some quite easily (but not 3D!)
Paul A. Bristow
Prizet Farmhouse
Kendal, UK LA8 8AB
+44 1539 561830, mobile +44 7714330204