On Mon, 8 Jul 2013, dante0125 wrote:
Hi, I am a beginner with BGL. Currently I am using mcgregor_common_subgraphs solver to find all the common subgraphs between two graphs. The following link is the only one example showing how to use the library that I can find from the Internet. http://svn.kulitorum.com/RepSnapper/Libraries/Boost1.40/libs/graph/example/m...
My first question is where can I find more example of this MCS solver?
One place is libs/graph/test/mcgregor_subgraphs_test.cpp in the Boost source tree.
My second question is why some times it can not find maximum common subgraph. By maximum I mean a common subgraph with largest number of vertices which is implemented in the code. Here I provide an example. This code is modified from mcgregor_subgraphs_example, I change the graph to undirected graph and add some vetices and edges. It is obvious that the correct answer should be of size 9. The answer return by the code missing edge 8-5 and 8-3.
Have you tried using mcgregor_common_subgraphs_maximum or mcgregor_common_subgraphs_maximum_unique? The algorithm only returns a mapping between vertices, so I'm not sure what you mean by the result missing edges. -- Jeremiah Willcock