On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Philipp Kraus
Is there a way to create a non-blocking group communication? How can I send if data exists, a message to all nodes and receive it on each node also with non-blocking communication?
I'm afraid there's no non-blocking collective communication primitive in MPI 2. Hence, no such feature in Boost.MPI. The "broadcast" collective apparently is the closest match to your requirements, except that it's blocking: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/doc/html/boost/mpi/broadcast.html Use of `broadcast` would imply that your code sends an id value even when there is nothing to send. Another option would be to write your own "ibroadcast" on top of isend/irecv, e.g., rank n sends the id value to ranks 2n and 2n+1. Cheers, Riccardo