On Fri, 8 Jun 2007 14:23:38 +0200
"luca regini"
I have some problems with boost.thread (version 1_34) under gcc version 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-52). The library ( all the boost distribution) compiles fine and a bjam on the ./libs/thread/test directory also report a successful test execution.
However when i try to explicitly link one of the example (tread_group with the boost tread library using the following command line:
g++ -I/opt/six/boost_1_33_1 -I/opt/six/boost_1_34/include/boost-1_34 -pthread -o mytest thread_group.cpp libboost_thread-gcc32-mt-d-1_34.so.1.34.0
i get a segmentation fault.
Why do you put two -I options? One with boost 1.33.1 and the other with boost 1.34? Maybe that is the problem... Try: g++ -I/opt/six/boost_1_34/include/boost-1_34 \ -o mytest thread_group.cpp \ libboost_thread-gcc32-mt-d-1_34.so.1.34.0 \ -pthread HTH, Raul.