On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 12:58 AM, Daniel James
wrote: And running bjam complains about not having found boost, which makes sense since boost was build as a different user so its building directory is inaccessible.
If you use a prebuilt quickbook (you need to specify the location in your user-config.jam), you'll only need read access to the boost repository. If you set $BOOST_ROOT to its location, you should be okay. This is just to access boost build, the xsl stylesheets and dtd files.
Is there any way to remove the dependency on bjam?
Apparently, boost-cmake can (or perhaps could) build quickbook documentation: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.cmake/336 Other than that, it's complicated, there's a lot of parts to get right. You can see what bjam's doing by running 'bjam -n'. Daniel