Niko Vuokko wrote:
I know there are some messages on this subject, but none of them gave me the answer or then I just didn't understand it. I'm trying to link some boost libraries statically to my program, but at the same time link the standard libraries dynamically. I have little experience ( == a total noob) in the linking process. I'm using ld version 2.16.1 and g++ version 4.1.2 on Linux. My /usr/lib has files like libboost_regex-s.a (the same for multi-threaded progs)
Actually I'm unable even to link everything statically:
ld <obj-files> -Bstatic -lboost_filesystem-s -lboost_program_options-s -lboost_regex-s -o prog
You better avoid calling ld directly, unless you're certified ld guru. Use g++ instead.
Since you failed to provide the error message, the above is all I can suggest.
Also trying to link runtime dynamically with
ld <obj-files> -Bstatic -lboost_filesystem-s -lboost_program_options-s -lboost_regex-s -Bdynamic -o prog
First, you fail to provide the error message again. Second, which manual say that using trailing -Bdynamic works? Further, with explicit '-lboost_filesystem-s' you don't need -Bstatic.
I also tried to ar/ranlib the so object files into .a archives
That will never work. .a archives can technically contain anything from .o to .jpg, but only .o will be used by linker. So: (1) use gcc/g++, not ld and (2) provide the real error message. - Volodya