I found that the following lines in my BOOST_USER_CONFIG allowed for
wide character support:
#define BOOST_COMPILER_CONFIG "boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp"
#define BOOST_STDLIB_CONFIG "boost/config/stdlib/stlport.hpp"
#define BOOST_PLATFORM_CONFIG "boost/config/platform/solaris.hpp"
I'm not sure why I defined BOOST_NO_COMPILER_CONFIG, or if it was even
necessary (it was getting pretty late into the night). I think defining
BOOST_STRICT_CONFIG was what did it.
On Wed, 2004-09-15 at 04:59, John Maddock
I guess this is a configuration error: to see what Boost config macros are getting defined, cd into libs/config/test then:
bjam config_info
you'll then need to dig down into the bin directory until you find config_info.out which will have the output from the program - it'll tell you which macros were defined. #
As for why they were defined - well I guess either boost/config/stdlib/stlport.hpp or boost/config/stdlib/libstdcpp3.hpp must be setting them depending on whether you're using STLPort or not. My guess is that STLPort hasn't had wide character support enabled for that platform yet, and that the Boost config system is picking up on that and disabling it for boost as well.
Let me know what you find,