John Pretz a écrit :
I'm pretty new to boost. I want to write some code with a
compile-time check whether a member function exists or not. The code
below shows kinda what I need except I'd obviously like to avoid a
specialized template for each class that I use.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Not sure if it exists in boost, but the good old trick using the (...)
operator may be enough.
Like :
typedef char NotFound;
struct Found { char x[2]; };
template struct test_for_member_go{ };
template<class T> static Found
template<class T> static NotFound test_for_go( ... );
template<class T>
struct test
static const bool value = (sizeof( test_for_go<T>( 0 ) ) ==
typedef boost::mpl::bool_<value> type;
then test<X>::type should give you a CT boolean that indicates if go is
a member of T.
This could be easily turned into a macro-like features that can be
retargeted for any member with any signature.
Research Engineer @ Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale
Université PARIS SUD XI