I have a unit test case that includes #include
#include // I will try without the unit test namespace // 1.32 using boost::test_toolbox::ostream_test_stream; using boost::test_toolbox::output_test_stream; output_test_stream ostream;
This worked in 1.32 (I think--the comment makes it sound as if it shouldn't). But in 1.33 I get error: `output_test_stream' not declared
Sorry for unclear docs. output_test_stream reside in subnamespace test_tools now. Though I expect old namespace still to work. Because test_tools.hpp contains:
namespace test_toolbox = test_tools;
I am working on documentation update at the moment. Hopefully next release this confusion is going to be remedied.
Gennadiy Thanks. I think the key thing I was missing was the appropriate include, which I guess is necessary now but didn't used to be needed. Here's a snippet of the code that seemed to work (I'm still having
On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:55:18AM -0500, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
problems, but I think they're unrelated):