On Wednesday, 2 December 2015 03:10:34 UTC+1, Paolo Bolzoni wrote:
I am afraid you have to give a custom edge and vertex copier.

My bundled properties are so trivial that I shouldn't be supposed to provide a copier (hopefully!).
I figured out that if I just provide a vertex_index_map, the copy succeeds. I am not sure if the following is correct, but it gives the correct output:


It would be interesting to know if copy_graph(old_graph, new_graph) is any different from new_graph = old_graph. In the first case I needed the property map, in the second I don't. But is the second version correct? (I'm not even sure the first version is).

I pledge that, if I manage to understand all these mechanisms right one day, I'll volunteer for the improvement of the BGL documentation (to make it more user-friendly!). :-)