Using "regex_replace(string, pattern, replace_string, flags)" I got some unwished results. I can't find out what flag set I have to use, that the replacement string was taken, as it is. I think this short example should make my problem clear: Replace in a string all occurences of PATH through the actual windows directory: "Actual path: 'PATH'" with Path "D:\temp\rest" leads to the string: "Actual Path: 'D: emp est'" This show, that "\t" and "\r" was interpreted. For me that is an unexspected behaviour, because the replacement is just some string, not more. I understand that the pattern will be interpreted and controlled over the flags, but why the replacement string? Can somebody explain that behaviour and show me a way out?
You have to double up escapes, and also escape '$'s as well: see the format string syntax for a guide, maybe I should add a "format_literal" option as well though, John.