
OS:  Windows XP
Compiler: VS2003
Boost Version: 1.36

I’ve been assigned to track down a problem that we’re having in the field with our software.  Sometimes our program just vanishes without invoking the postmortem debugger (usually Dr. Watson).  I tracked it down to boost::thread using a catch(…) that calls std::terminate() as part of a try/catch block around the thread procedure.  This means that when there’s an unhandled C++ or structured exception the application quietly shuts down.  Some Googling showed that a few years ago someone else had the same problem.  The email thread petered out without coming to any resolution.

With the popularity of Boost, I’m hoping that some other Windows programmers have run into this issue and have some advice on how to use boost threads and get Dr Watson to run when something bad happens.  I’ve tried registering my own terminate handler but I haven’t come up with the code to get Dr. Watson to do its thing from inside the handler.

The easiest “fix” would be to edit the code and remove the catch(…) but I’m hesitant to do that for a couple of reasons.  Specifically, I don’t want to have to have a special build of boost that we must supply to our users (our application can load user plug-ins) and I trust the quality of the Boost code so, while I’m not sure of the benefit of the catch(…), I believe that it’s probably well thought out and there for good reason.

If anyone else has any experience with this issue, I’d love to hear from you.  Thanks in advance.
