Running into something very strange with boost::lexical_cast in 1.39.
This code works, but notice the f(). If I attempt to get rid of it and
call boost::lexical_cast directly in the constructor for test I get this
1>d:\dev_workspace\experimental\scratch\scratch\main.cpp(16) : error
C2783: 'Target boost::lexical_cast(const Source &)' : could not deduce
template argument for 'Target'
1> d:\boostvs39\include\boost\lexical_cast.hpp(1164) : see
declaration of 'boost::lexical_cast'
This is hard for me to understand since I've given the target type as a
template parameter....and the f() version works just fine. It even
works if I make it inline as the lexical_cast function is.
Any ideas?