"Duong, Sanh N."
I downloaded the latest version of Python from the website given below and ran it with "rpm --rebuild python2-2.2-2.src.rpm." Python seems to install correctly. I reset my env variables to PYTHON_ROOT=/usr and PYTHON_VERSION=2.2. Yet when I ran bjam, it would say it couldn't find the Python.h file within /usr/include/python2.2/. The directory is there, but its empty. There is an another directory for python1.5. But this version will not compile Boost correctly. Any suggestions or idea of why this is happening?
Sounds like you have a missing or incomplete python 2.2 installation. I'm not an rpm expert; I think you need to ask in a RedHat or Python forum. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com