On Nov 21, 2005, at 10:10 AM, Jeff Holle wrote:
I've found this partial solution for what I'm searching for. This code sorts by target, name. I want to sort by source, target.
If we're talking about sorting OutEdgeListS=setS, the edges outgoing from each source are stored in different sets, so sorting by target should be sufficient. (?)
I find that in boost::graph adjacency_list edge descriptors there is a "get_target" method, but no "get_source" method.
Right, the source isn't actually stored in the out-edge set because it is the same for every edge in the set.
Can someone tell me how to either find the equivalent or give the comparison function object a non-default constructor so I can pass it a graph reference? Actually in the latter, I need assistance in feeding the graph reference to the graph object at construction time, not writing a constructor.
I don't know of a good way to do this, unfortunately. Which edges list are you trying to sort? The ones return from out_edges() or from edges()? Doug