On May 11, 7:10 am, Steven Watanabe wrote:
since I have access to f I would like to make fsmartenough to handle
its own binding. Eg.
You'll have to make operator() a template:
template<class T>
function operator()(const T& x_arg, double y_arg);
Thank you Steven for pointing that out.
This is simplest still useful solution I found. I realized that
returning function would defeat the purpose since it
is not a lambda expression an I would need bind again to insert it in
a lambda expression
this is the soltution
class A{
typedef A this_type;
double operator()(double const& x) const{return evaluate(x);} //this
is the function that performs the actual work
//the following creates a lambda expression using
template<class LambdaExp>
double (this_type::* const)(const double&)const,
const this_type, //this class
lambda_functor<LambdaExp> const
> > operator()(lambda_functor<LambdaExp> const& exp) const{
return bind(
static_cast(*this), //static_cast not necesary
but maybe usefull if CRTP worked
it can be used as
A a;
a(5.); //evaluates at 5.
a( _1 + _1) or any lambda expression); //gives a bind lambda
as you see the most complicated part is the return type of the
It can be generalized to functions that take two arguments, if mixed
symbolic/numeric evaluation is needed other combinations of can be
made or simply using lambda::constant for one or two of the arguments.
I tried to use CRTP (e.g. class A: public self_binder<A>{...}) to
define the new member in a more generic way but I couldn't because the
template member function in a base (parent) class can not be resolved
by calling A::operator()(lambda_expr).
Maybe as OvermindDL1 said Boost.Phoenix can do better in terms of
shorted syntax or by allowing CRTP in some way. Unfortunately I don't
know enough Phoenix, maybe Phoenix has a "function" class that is a
phoenix-lambda by itself.
Thank you,