ok now it worked!!
i kept the object pointer method, started to enable/disable diferent
serialization atributes of class "Edge" and i found something inexplicable.
This is the original "Edge Class" when program crashed.
class Edge{
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version){
ar & sp;
ar & dead;
ar & n1;
ar & n2;
ar & id;
int n1;
int n2;
int id;
bool sp;
bool dead;
//plus some methods, constructors, etc
now this is "Edge" Class with "bool dead" removed.
#EDGE 2.0 not dead
class Edge{
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version){
ar & n1;
ar & n2;
ar & id;
ar & sp;
int n1;
int n2;
int id;
bool sp;
i dont know why removing that bool "dead", program worked, what influence
did that have on Boost?
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Cristobal Navarro
Hmmm- what surrounds this?
-> there is more code part of an algorithm, but nothing important for the example embedded.
{ const class Lattice lat ... ... ar << lat }
that might work better.
Robert Ramey
thanks Robert, let me tell you about lat just in case i missed to point something lat was created this way Lattice *lat = new Lattice("filename"); i thought that pointers passed to archive wasnt possible, thats why i did "ao << *(this->lat);", and it actually worked when i removed edges. however i also tried what yo suggested, and it also works without "edges", but otherwise i get the same error. this is updated code if i use class pointers
printf("serializing to binlat.x...\n"); //!file mode /* std::ofstream ofs("binlat.x", ios::binary); boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs); */ oa << lat; //lat was created earlier at some point of the program "Lattice *lat = new Lattice("filename")" ofs.close(); lat->print(); //check what lattice im serializing //!Deserialization - read file binlat.x and reconstruct printf("reconstructing serialized binlat.x...\n"); Lattice *nl; std::ifstream ifs("binlat.x", ios::binary); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs); //!deserialize object ia >> nl; ifs.close(); nl->print();
i had to change the receiving lattice to a class pointer too. in the end, it also throws the same error when "edges" map is included on the serialization. i will keep trying different ideas to find the problem, in the meanwhile any help is welcome. by considering that when i remove "edges" from the serialization of Lattice object it works, i suspect the problem comes from "edges" map or maybe from the "Edge" class at a particular atribute.
i get bad errors when deserializing, complaining about a bool and char. serializing to binlat.x... Lattice::print().....START Nodes=2 Edges= 1 Node[0] sp=1 ext=1 Linked to edge 2 (Node 3 or 0 ) Node[3] sp=1 ext=2 Linked to edge 2 (Node 3 or 0 ) Lattice::print().....END [enter] reconstructing swerialized binlat.x... [enter] plattice: /usr/local/include/boost/archive/basic_binary_iprimitive.hpp:98: void boost::archive::basic_binary_iprimitive
::load(bool&) [with Archive = boost::archive::binary_iarchive, Elem = char, Tr = std::char_traits<char>]: Assertion `0 == i || 1 == i' failed. [lenovo00:29384] *** Process received signal *** [lenovo00:29384] Signal: Aborted (6) [lenovo00:29384] Signal code: (-6) [lenovo00:29384] [ 0] [0xfea410] [lenovo00:29384] [ 1] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(abort+0x182) [0xd41a82] [lenovo00:29384] [ 2] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__assert_fail+0xf8) [0xd37718] [lenovo00:29384] [ 3] .. .. *** End of error message *** i started debugging, and realized that the problem is completely gone when i remove "edges" from the serialization members of "Lattice" object. its weird, because "edge" is a map of
and much simplier than "nodes" which does work. obviously i cannot continue without edges, so i need to fix it somehow, but i dont understand the error related to edges, maybe is something im not seeing. dont get distracted by the messy code, i had to edit it a little to focus on the case. regards Cristobal
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Robert Ramey
wrote: Change the "would" into "is": it is possible to mix Boost.MPI with Boost.Serialization. Any objext that can be serialized can be sent by Boost.MPI. This was actually the basic idea behind Boost.MPI, to use Boost.Serialization to pack and unpack MPI buffers, or to create custom MPI datatypes.
On thing that I never understood is why you need MPI data types at all. If one is serializing (packing) to a binary array, and sending that, what hae MPI data types have to do with it.
If one were using heterogenious machines, I could understand the usage of MPI types. But as I understand it, the MPI serialization presumes that the machines are binary compatible. So I'm just not seeing this.
Robert Ramey
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