Ed Hill wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 13:09:17 -0500 Lorenzo Cavallaro wrote:
I'm trying to unserialize a boost::archive::text_iarchive. The code used to work, but know (for no apparent reasons) it's calling terminate throwing the following exception.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::archive::archive_exception what(): stream error Aborted
Hi Lorenzo,
Under these circumstances:
1) classes contain float or double members 2a) [intentional] the floats/doubles are used to store NaN or +/-Inf values 2b) [unintentional] the floats or doubles are un-initialized and the memory they use just happens to contain (by circumstance) bit patterns for NaN or +/-Inf
serialization to text or XML will "work" (that is, will run without errors) but de-serialization will result in stream errors since:
double a; cin >> a;
fails for "NaN", "Inf", etc.
If the problem is the presence of infinity and NaN, then you can solve the problem by using my Floating Point Utilities library. It is available in the vault in folder Math - Numerics. You need the facets in the header non_finite_num_facets.hpp. It is not accepted into Boost yet, but the code is mature and has been tested with more than 20 different operating system / compiler / processor combinations. --Johan Råde