On Jan 6, 2011, at 2:22 PM, Geoffrey Romer wrote:
I'm responsible for maintaining the local Boost install for a large group of developers, and I find myself spending an inordinate amount of time reapplying our local patches for Boost bugs every time a new version comes out, seemingly with no end in sight. One obvious example is https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3645: the report is clear and specific, documents a real bug, and provides a trivial patch which completely resolves the issue. It's everything one could possibly want in a bug report, and it has been utterly ignored for over a year.
If Dave has no objection, I will be happy to take care of this.
In my experience this has been the rule rather than the exception; other examples that I've been personally acquainted with include http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2009/06/153214.php, https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4918, and https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4919. In every case the reporters have done everything they could to provide a useful bug report, up to and including providing patches, but have been met with profound silence.
Same for 4918; I can apply this if it's ok with Jeremy. As for 4919, I see that the patch is not a complete fix; I'll have to look into it some more. Dave? Jeremy? -- Marshall