Hi! After compiling boost_1_53_0 I got a lot of MACROS are not defined messages compiling my project. To suppress those warnings I changed the boost/config.hpp and appended: #define BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NO_EXPLICIT_TEST_FUNCTION 0 #define BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NO_WRAPPED_TYPES 0 #define BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NO_EXPLICIT_TEST_FUNCTION 0 #define BOOST_MPL_HAS_XXX_NEEDS_TEMPLATE_SFINAE 0 #define BOOST_PP_VARIADICS_MSVC 0 #define BOOST_IOSTREAMS_GCC_WORKAROUND_GUARD 0 #define BOOST_SELECT_BY_SIZE_MAX_CASE 0 #define BOOST_PP_VARIADICS_MSVC 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_IMPLICIT 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_CDECL 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_STDCALL 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_PASCAL 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_FASTCALL 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_CLRCALL 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_THISCALL 0 #define BOOST_FT_CC_IMPLICIT_THISCALL 0too I realize that this is very dangerous and definitly not the way to go. Any Idea how to suppress those warnings correctly? I am using Arch-Linux with gcc-4.7.2. I compiled boost with (as far as I remember): ./b2 toolset=gcc cxxflags=-std=c++11 link=static stage Best Regards, Roman Himmes -- Softwareentwicklung iDev GmbH Spichernstr. 73 50672 Köln Tel: +49 221 / 222 858-0 Fax: +49 221 / 222 858-20 E-Mail: himmes@idev.de WWW: www.idev.de AG Köln HRB 58720 Geschäftsführung: Michael Mertens