Christian Henning wrote:
Hi there, the documention of the gamma distribution talks about two different forms. How can can generate the second one with shape=1 and scale=1? I know how to get the first form:
boost::math::gamma_distribution<> dist( 1, 1 );
I don't see how to get the second one?
Right, the distribution takes two parameters: shape and *scale*, so the construction is always: boost::math::gamma_distribution<> d(myshape, myscale); If instead you have parameters shape and *rate* then it's constructed as: boost::math::gamma_distribution<> d(myshape, 1/myrate); Or as noted in the docs "Therefore to construct a Gamma Distribution from a rate parameter, you should pass the reciprocal of the rate as the scale parameter." In other words the a rate parameter is simply the reciprocal of the scale, and vice versa. Any clearer? HTH, John.