Just a follow up: I did not receive any response to my query below (neither from the list, nor from the library author, whom I attempted to contact directly). Can anyone give me an idea of the general status of boost::program_options? Is it still being maintained? Am I the only person using it ? :) Thanks, MD
_____________________________________________ From: Drumheller, Michael Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 9:06 AM To: 'boost-users@lists.boost.org' Subject: Question about program_options
Regarding boost::program_options:
I would like to parse (and then store) some command-line options that potentially contain unregistered flags, and I understand from <http://www.boost.org/doc/html/program_options/howto.html#id2716386> that the way to do this is:
basic_command_line_parser<char> parser(argc, argv); basic_parsed_options<char> parsed(parser.options(options).allow_unregistered().run());
Indeed this works--for parsing. But how do I store the resulting parsed options (in a way that ignores the unregistered ones)? Simply calling
store(parsed, vm);
throws a boost::program_options::unknown_option exception. I can take the (brute force) step of erasing from parsed.options all elements for which the unregistered attribute is true, and then calling store(parsed, vm). That seems to work, but it so clumsy that it makes me think I'm using the system in a way that was not intended.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
P.S. There is a bug in the doc: "collect_arguments(...)" on the last line of the above link should be collect_unrecognized(...); similarly, in the source code parsers.hpp (line 158) there is a mention of the nonexistent function "collect_unregistered").
Michael Drumheller Boeing Phantom Works Mathematics and Engineering Analysis 425.865.3520 michael.drumheller@boeing.com This email may contain proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender that you received it in error.