I tried to roll my own solution but I'm failing to see how to enable
the specialization for certain iterator types.
What I have done is to create a generic metafunction that applies
unless a specialization is found
template<class Iterator>
struct is_contingous_in_memory : boost::mpl::false_ {};
Now, when dealing with std::vector<int> I can declare
template<> struct
is_contingous_in_memory :
boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<> struct
is_contingous_in_memory :
boost::mpl::true_ {};
That way I would need to declare several variants for all integral and
floating point types. So I thought, that
I could write
template<class T> struct is_contingous_in_memory< typename
std::vector<T>::iterator > : boost::mpl::true_ {};
but that fails to compile with "template parameter not used or
deducible in partial specialization 'specialization'".
How to deal with that (on MSVC 9)?
Best regards,