Hi all, I am using Boost MPI and would like to send user-defined objects between processes. As the Boost MPI tutorial / documentation suggests (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/doc/html/mpi/tutorial.html), I should use serialization and in this document, they show an example class gps_position which is a friend with boost::serialization::access. So far, I understand what's going on, but I don't know what is the next step. The example in the documentation stops there and says that the example continues in the Serialization document. It also just mentions that one could store it in many forms, such as XML on disk, in addition to sending it to processes. If all I want to do is send it between processes, which one of the formats listed in boost/archive/*.hpp should I use? In the Serialization document, it continues by creating a boost::archive::text_oarchive object. But, if I am sending things like vectors of unsigned integers and strings, a binary format should be more compact? Or does this not matter and sticking with the Serialization example is fine? Thank you in advance! Ray