On 29.09.2016 19:32, Chris Glover wrote:
void construct(_Objty *_Ptr, _Types&&... _Args) { ::new ((void *)_Ptr) _Objty(::std:: forward<_Types>(_Args)...); } is C++11 code. Best regards, Leon
This code is not coming from boost. I think this code is coming from the xmemory0 header packaged with the Visual C++ standard library. I don't have a version as old as VS2005 to confirm what it looks like there, but I have that exact snippet of code in my local VS2015 xmemory0 header (also in the allocator header).
Yeah, having multiple VS installations could be it. This code surely can't come from VS2005 as it can't compile it, but I vaguely remember that old Visual Studios did have problems with multiple installations. Best regards, Leon