Hi Tina,
When you build the boost libraries, is there a way to generate .lib files for them?
Below, I have documented the steps I took to build the library. Please take a glance at it and let me know if I missed something that will allow me to obtain the .lib file.
I cannot see your pictures („A non-text attachment was scrubbed...“), so I can only guess what goes wrong. My way building boost is (on Windows with VC++ 2015)
cd c:\boost_1_64_0
.\b2 --without-mpi --without-python --build-type=complete --reconfigure msvc stage
This generates library files, for example
in the stage subdirectory of my boost root directory, here
Freundliche Grüße * Best regards * Met vriendelijke groeten * Meilleures salutations
Holger Gerth