Hi, I have a bidirectional adjacency list and I want to use the inv_adjacent_vertices method However, the following code does not compile: typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph> Traits; typedef typename Traits::inv_adjacency_iterator inv_adjacency_iterator; inv_adjacency_iterator w, w_end; boost::tie (w, w_end) = inv_adjacent_vertices (v, g_); The problem is that inv_adjacency_iterator is not part of boost::graph_traits :-( Could you tell me how can I use the inv_adjacent_vertices method (i.e., how can I declare an inv_adjacent_iterator)? Thanks. Best regards, P.S.: I tried to use an adjacency_iterator instead but it does not work. -- Johan () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail /\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments