On 29/09/2016 05:14, Ram wrote:
Along that line, Ram, could you please verify if your project uses DEBUG_NEW somewhere? Don't forget to check for macro definitions on the project's properties window.
I did a search for DEBUG_NEW and didnt get any results. I also saw that the only preprocessor defines we have are, WIN32 _DEBUG _CONSOLE V_DEBUG
As suggested in the other thread, try setting C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocess to a File -> Yes (/P) on the .cpp file that demonstrates the compile error, and then compile that one file. Afterwards, reset the setting to No, and then look around for a .i file that it generated with the same base name. (It's usually either next to the source file or in your obj or other intermediate directory.) Search through this file for the line that generated the error and you'll see what it really looks like to the compiler after the preprocessor has finished. This might give you some hints as to the source of the problem, which is almost certainly a #define new buried somewhere in a header file.