Matthias Troyer wrote:
On 12 May 2008, at 01:20, Victor Whiskey Yankee wrote:


I need to serialize into and from a memory buffer using
boost::archive::binary_oarchive and binary_iarchive.

Using std::stringstream does not work (it does work with text_oarchive
and text_iarchive in memory and using files).

I found a mention in the archives about similar need here:

But I cannot figure it out.

Have you tried using the Boost IO Stream library to create a stream  
that buffers in memory and use that with a binary archive?
The posting I mentioned above suggests the same thing. As I said, I did try for several hours, but the
iostreams documentation is so difficult I could not figure it out. 

I would have thought that in-memory iostreams would be a standard part of that lib, but obviously not...
I must be the only one that does not want to use file i/o. Jeez.

Anyway, I finally got it to work in-memory with binary archives using the ios::binary arg to stringstream, like this...

   std::ostringstream ss(std::ios::out|std::ios::binary);
   boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ss);
   oa << myObj;

I don't know how efficient it is. If anyone knows of a better way I sure would like to see the code.
