Oops, sorry, Ben and Heinquoi- that was a typo :P
What I *meant* to say was:
Starting bjam with:
bjam -sTOOLS=mingw install
causes bjam to invoke VC7 instead of gcc. Same thing if quotes are used (as
described in the documentation:
bjam "-sTOOLS=mingw" install
I ran it again, making sure that I actually used -sTOOLS and not -sTOOL, and
I still see the described behavior.
Again, this is using boost 1.31.0, msys and mingw on Windows 2000, and a
prebuilt version of bjam recently downloaded from sourceforge.
Anyone have any ideas how to make bjam (properly) invoke gcc?
-Chris Brewer
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Hutchings [mailto:ben.hutchings@businesswebsoftware.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 8:03 AM
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Subject: RE: [Boost-users] building boost under mingw: bjam invokes
Christopher Brewer
I recently attempted to build and install boost 1.31.0 using msys (i.e., mingw). I enter the boost directory and start bjam with:
bjam -sTOOL=mingw install
...and then I see bjam invoking vc7 instead of gcc. <snip>
The variable is called TOOLS, not TOOL.